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2003-11-18 - 11:50 a.m.

Results for the International Hockey Tournament 2003 in HK:

Champion: South Korea

1st Runner-up: Great Britain

2nd Runner-up: Japan

3rd Runner-up: HK

HK Vs GB 1:6

HK Vs Jap 1:7

HK Vs Kor 1:5

HK Vs Jap (Thirdfight) 2:3 (golden goal)

I have played for the match Vs Korea. Although they had given us a harsh lesson, we did play well and give them some prerssure. I have held a clean-sheet on the first half and that's a fanastic experience. And we palyed the greatest game I have ever seen in the Thirdfight against Japan yesterday when we scored a last-minute goal and forced them into extra-time. Yet if we want to upgrade ourselves to a first-level team in Asia, there is still a long way to go.

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