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2005-10-16 - 12:01 a.m.

At 6pm after the Criminal lecture, I met Jo Reddie, my contract law lecturer last year. Not surprisingly, she recognized me, who had asked so many silly questions after each lecture last year. She was keen to know my marks and I told her. To my greatest honour, she was so delighted to learn that and congratulated me on my marks. This is the greatest encouragement I have ever had after graduation (like that of Prof. Hansen). This is not a first honour mark, but I am satisfied that it is already the best I can achieve.

I always wonder, as a part-time student, how can my study comparable to that of the full-time students. I don't want to use up all my work-free time on sth that is second class. Last month when I was on the bus way home with Williams Swadling, the Oxford man who taught us Trust, he told me many prominent lawyers in UK had worked in other fields before they become a lawyer. He also said students who study for a second degree in law usually can attain 'a more mature level of understanding' of the subject. I will take this in heart.

Thanks for every teacher of the programme. I never expect there is such a close relationship between you and I in this external programme. I will not let u all down.

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