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2005-03-27 - 2:26 a.m.

Chatted with Gary of U Hall yesterday in ICQ. This guy is going to legalize AIESEC HK so as to increase its bargaining power with companies in internship contracts. What an ambitious young man. He said I am one of those who inspired him most in HKU, alongside his mentor Kwong Ki-chi. What a big compliment! At the end of the conversation, I told him, let��s be someone of our time.

Mock Exam results on my first year LLB has been released a few days ago. 63, 63, 59 for the three intermediate subjects, far below the 70 marks threshold for a first class honour. I am a down-to-earth realist who never aim at getting a first hon. As a part time student, a first honour is just like a gorgeous that can only be ogled at a distance but cannot be approached. Strategically, it may be a great success to get a second A in my first year, but I really wonder whether I can get better results if I was a full time student. In an industry so emphasized on standing and background, part time students are always deemed as second class students. Can I go beyond that limitation? Can I study better than those full time students? Sadly, ��constraint maximization�� is usually a comfortable self-consoling jargon. There is no excuse for not attaining the highest level in this profession.

Extraordinary effort for extraordinary success. That��s it.

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