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2005-07-13 - 7:43 p.m.

My friends,

I wanna thx you for bringing me every memorable moment in this 6 weeks. It is difficult to explain why we, all coming from different departments and with different backgrounds, having so different characters and personalities, can be so bound together within such a short period of time. That��s fantastic.

Sameness brings a group together, but sameness may also be devastating to a group because it may overshadow the uniqueness of individual members. We are a very rare group that every one of us has something ��special�� in certain senses, distinguishing one from the others. May be that��s why every one of you are so important to the group, and to me.

I learn so much from our differences. Some of you are smart and ��clever��; some are meticulous and caring, some are funny and hyperactive, some are hardworking, some are good men, some are particularly good at dealing with men�K�KI am proud of you all.

Starting from tomorrow, we will return to our own position and face new challenges. We have to fight for the mission of our organization and our own career. Frustration may come along every difficult problem we face but I will, and I know others also will, support each other whenever he or she encounters unresolved problems. We will never walk alone.

��It��s not the end; it��s even not the beginning of the end; it��s just the end of the beginning.�� Let��s begin our new life with the love of others enshrined in our hearts.

after the passing-out ceremony

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